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$40 dollars
Ha. No way.
I'm at the Chinese restaurant now. Was a breeze. Still can't figure out the hands.
im a make noodles. Those drop downs really make you commit, i also dont like how they position the body, if you snag something, you're going over those bars. Thats why i like my wrist breakers, they let me ride up high and be relaxed, but i do more long distance stuff over racing or commuting.
And it works fine? If so that's a steal. Sellers sell second hand bikes for four times that price.
At least. Especially because it has a light frame. Anything that has a light frame is supposed to never be sold closer to msrp because in such a case the frame itself has a minimal value.
Found a bike seat for you
I would buy it. Maybe not put it on this one because it’s so light I wouldn’t want to ruin it.
But I have a mountain bike I would genuinely put that on.