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That's the thing which has never been made clear to me and I've never maintain the focus to find out.
Were the British collecting taxes from the 13 American colonies prior to the wars up in Canada and it was a matter of the collecting being interrupted by the war, or was it entirely a sharp and sudden rise in taxes?
I'm not sure. I know there were a lot of new taxes especially import export taxes. I don't believe the British were doing much property tax. No one in the world had done income tax yet.
The merchants that instigated the war (our own) were definitely concerned about these import taxes. Maybe they were worried they would get replaced by domestic market. As for getting the rabble motivated it was a shooting. It's crazy to think that the American revolution was sort of a George Floyd moment.
I guess my point is that if most of the taxation had been import/export taxes then it would be pretty easy for them to keep up on taxes. But if there were any wealth taxes, like window pane taxes (charge your property based on the number of window panes on your house), then I guess they could drop that ball.
But I know there was also a social aspect. Basically they started treating diplomats and liaisons from America like shit and it spoiled at least their mood toward England, and when your conduit to communicating with England has nothing good to say about them then England's PR isn't going to look so good.