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Thank you Jason for showing appreciation for everyone else's content and your perspective and knowledge on everyone's posts. Jason has also show with his real life activism a walking model of positive community development.

He's never afraid to share his opinion. He's never afraid to let someone know that there is more to know and more to grow. But he's always positive and supportive of everyone else's contribution in life. As long as they aren't using the public school system to indoctronate kids at least. He has shown a unique capacity to both lead from the front and from behind.

This badge isn't really supposed to be a big deal but I think it's worth acknowledging him for contributing to votes here. When you see Jason's content think about upvoting it, because he's one of the most likely people to have upvoted yours.

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I suddenly feel surveilled. 😋

I haven't changed my habits from SaidIt, and then as now don't seem to have enough time.

I figure if someone took the time to post something, it's not too hard to vote up on it, especially when worthy. (I still have issues with the limited quality of all votes being equal and rankless.)

This morning I tried to go back a week or two to catch some older posts I missed while roofing or knocking down chimneys. Not sure if that set off your alarms or if you're always lurking at your arrays.

This week my main focus is on these two projects, a rally, and restarting our weekly Windsor ACTION Group meetings...



...and gathering names, numbers, and emails to enlist to invite to I may even make a P.W + LM promotional sign for the Rally-March event. Maybe I could promote Matrix too?

I noticed your neat flair-like badges. Neat idea!

[-]Winston Smith

I'm glad he's here. I was a little bummed when M7 banned him. He came back under different monikers(such as 'FuckMagnora') but I can understand why he gave up on that site.


Ah, you know of Saidit too? I thought you were from his protest group, right?

Yes, he used /u/FuckMagnora7 I believe but that one also got shadowbanned.

[-]Winston Smith

I'm Optimus. You have inadvertently blown my cover.


Off to Room 101 you go.


Also his has almost every useful link that you can think of

If it's useful and isn't there you probably can contribute a fix pretty easily.


Lists of lists, including links, are projects worth doing, though many are in need of reorganizing, subdividing, reclassifying, etc. "Decentralized alternatives" and "Technology alternatives" especially - plus I haven't been keeping up on them much since abandoning SaidIt over a year ago.

Request a Projex.Wiki account from [email protected].

Request a account from [email protected] - for when the time comes.


You know you're appreciated when someone has ChatGPT write a post praising you.


Would chatgpt have grammatical errors?


Good point. I blame Musky, he's the one who made me think that.