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What may be the scariest October is almost upon us.

After 2008 they created the Presidential Plunge Protection Team to rig the markets. Real stupid name.

The economy was supposed to crash in 2016. But there was an election. Thought it would happen in 2017. Somehow they kept kicking the can down the road. They've rigged everything like a Jenga game, building higher and higher, while hollowing out the middle of everything.

Then the 2020 scamdemic occurred when the first thing they did was double the money printed (nothing to do with public safety), instantly cutting your earnings and savings in half (still happening slowly) and doubling prices (still rising).

With that damage done we gradually get some of our freedoms back (for now) and everything is hollowed out even more, propped up and paper thin.

Japanese live with paper walls, so maybe we can too. But they aim to burn it all down.

But when? Typically October for the last quarter.

Maybe not because Elections this year. And so many more Excess Deaths to occur. And they have barely started the kinetic warfare to squeeze out the last drops of blood from the poor, sick, starving, and weak.

When will avalanche fall? Or utilizing fifth generation warfare and deep faked reality have they rigged a permanent state of rotating crises that are not typical crashes?

Will we be unburdened by what has been?

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It's happened before on Tuesday.

Also Friday. (Not racist.)

Pretty good odds it will happen during period in the week that ends in "Y".


It's a good question. Do you ever think: maybe there won't be a collapse, just a periodic artificial crisis that we will also get through? I was paralyzed after the shock of the 2008 financial crisis and thought there was no future, but it turned out to be not nearly as bad as I thought. If I had more hope in the future I would've built something up sooner. Interest rates are falling below 3% because inflation is going down. At least, that's what I heard on the radio, but oftentimes it's the exact opposite of what they say there of course. But if that's genuine then the worst is in the past. Isn't this perhaps likewise a moment to be optimistic about the future?


Yes! As I wrote, "fifth generation warfare and deep faked reality have they rigged a permanent state of rotating crises that are not typical crashes" - and like Orwell wrote about perpetual war. And of course countless others have said economics is warfare by other means.

We can rage against the perpetual fear machine - or move past and ignore it to go on living our natural lives despite their hallucinatory, plastic, and fake realities.

I was also fucked up by the 2008 crash. I was designing sites for janitors and church screensavers and was miserable because "I was above all that" having worked in great studios on great projects with celebrities. But everyone else was suffering too. Because my dad, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, etc. are all doctors I "trusted the science" and started "anti"depressants which was the end of that life, the beginning of a decade of torture, and ultimately my phoenix-like rebirth with insatiable vengeance fueled by a fired up passion for truth-seeking and effective action.

I don't have hope for the markets and economy. And I don't believe any official narratives or corporate media. Nothing is presented without purpose. This morning Winton was watching something on TV about the Ozempic prices being too high and such. I said that was awareness advertising - and they weren't talking about the medical dangers, life-long addiction, causes of weight gain, or other issues. Even bad publicity is good publicity.

However, I have tremendous hope for humanity and those of us surviving to thrive and strive for awareness, compassion, alternatives, solutions, and freedom - despite what may come and whatever they try to do to us.

Blind optimism is largely useless. Eyes-wide-open optimism is an existential necessity to survival and evolution.