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The affidavit's power is correct, but the executor of your soul stuff is crap. An unrebutted affidavit is the highest truth in law. Someone has to rebut your affidavit with their own. Both are signed under penalty or perjury.

Corporations don't have souls, and they have standing, etc.

Judges don't pull rules out of their asses, so evidence of the living man and soul crap should be included in legal texts. Excluding living wills, it's not. Judges may behave unfairly, but they will almost always cite actual laws on the books, etc.

Laws apply, or don't, based upon legal "STATUS".

Definition: Status. Standing; state or condition; social position. The legal relation of individual to rest of the community. The rights, duties, capacities and incapacities which determine a person to a given class. A legal personal relationship, not temporary in its nature nor terminable at the mere will of the parties, with which third persons and the state are concerned. While term implies relation it is not a mere relation.
See p. 1410 of Black's Law Dictionary 6th Ed 1990.

Change your status and you change the laws which apply to you. Are you a Canadian citizen? Or a Canadian national? Or a legal resident alien? Or a political refugee? Etc. Different laws will apply depending on your legal status.

A link below goes to a downloadable and searchable version of Black's Law Dictionary. It's useful in the USA, maybe Canada. IDK.

Look up the definition of "status" and then do a word search in the dictionary for "status", and you'll see this term used in the context accordingly. Status of belligerent nations with their legal hostile forces in international law, etc. Status is everything. It defined what type of person you are.

Also the specific "person" term for living person is an "individual", as the rights and duties are indivisible in the entity. Corporations separate rights and duties into different parties.

A legal person can be an individual, trust, corporation, etc. Unless it's in reference to a living will or similar situation where operation of law outcomes for others, are affected by the living/death of an individual. Forget that "living man" crap.

If you know of the Canadian version of a legal dictionary with "prior review" [admissible in court as canon], then let me know so I can try to find a copy.


Good stuff. Thanks!

4th edition is supposed to be the best - and apparently they're trying to scrub it.

Look up "reset" in Black's Law Dictionary. How great the mind flip.