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This is also I've been advocating no one ever only use serverless functions or cloudflare functions. If a service can help cut costs you should have it implemented twice and turn on the 3rd party implementation to improve performance / cut costs, but have the ability to switch it off at any time. That is also important because if you want to change providers (better deal or a company decides to pull the rug from you), and the alternatives don't have the exact features the original had (why would it), then you can pick and choose using the new service where there is a 1:1 and using your own server where there isn't because you already have the code for that.
Maybe tech will start to make sense where maximal use of third party resources for your most fundamental operations will finally be seen as a negative.
"Hard drives? Our company doesn't have hard drives. Everything is an S3 bucket. Yep. Our desktops and our servers boot off of an S3 bucket."