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Does this come from the political left? I don't see strong activist efforts coming from the conspiracy-conscious community very often -- we need more of that. I'm thinking the use of the label Zionism indicates that it is in fact that, or do liberals use that too? Hats off either way.
Admittedly I added the label Zionism because the title "Mapping Project" by itself wouldn't seem worth linking to.
They call it mapping out support for Palestine occupation.
Well, they list Zionism at the top of their harms list, although they describe it as a form of white supremacy. They also list ableism as one of the harms. The label 'harm' in this context, as something you can catalogue, is reminiscent of the terms 'micro-aggression' and 'problematic' (in that they're very gentle words for something they nonetheless take seriously). Piecing this together, I get the impression that this is a far-left website.
And my point isn't to dismiss the content for this reason. My point is: why do we only see this kind of activism from the far-left? Why doesn't it come from a spectrum-transcending, conspiracy-aware movement? We should be ashamed that the far-left is doing more to combat Zionism than we are. We need to up our game and partake in similar projects of activism.