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Great stuff. What I was thinking.

Also, kind of covered, the string attached as they said grow legs. Some people will "lose their privilege" one way or another, whether falling out of the system, failing to comply, or being an "enemy" of the state, etc. Inevitable weaponization means it's no longer "Universal".

Do criminals get it? Illegal migrants? Visiting tourist? Babies? Fetuses? Where are the lines drawn? Who judges? How could they not be influenced?

How would you track that everyone Universally got their allotment? No more or less. There is no incorruptible system able to manage this.

UBI™ is a wonderful idea like World Peace™ but impossible to bring about under the ever-present global establishment and their corrupt matrix of rigged systems.


How dedicated are you to the "Matrix" name?


I'm not super dedicated to it. There are a lot of cons to it and a few minor pros. I just haven't found many other names I like that much.


So far as I see it, you have 4 options regarding the "Matrix" name.

  1. Change the name.

  2. Evolve the name.

  3. Delay for whatever reasons.

  4. Keep the name.

Each option has pros and cons. IMO, without knowing anything about you, how you came to choose Matrix and Gvid and .TV, evolving the name seems most practical.

Without diving in or thinking on it too long I can easily come up with some evolutionary examples that might inspire better ideas.

Reddit-like sites may have good content and participation, but not suited for some things (archiving, creativity beyond text, organizing, researching, etc.). So without dredging up all the cons of forums, focus on the pros (aggregating, recent news, socializing, surfing, writing, etc.). Let's also think of tag lines to help hook folks and sell the concepts. Obviously short is good.

  • BeachMatrix - see what washes up
  • Beatrix.Forum - sunlight is the best disinfectant
  • ChaosMatrix - is it even random?
  • Collectrix - bringing in the news
  • DominMatrix - witness the apocalypse
  • GiantBabyMatrix - the size is settled
  • GoatMatrix - all the cheese you want
  • Goatrix - Greatest Of All Trix
  • GoatTrix - are for kids
  • GrandmaTrix - Boomer envy
  • JellyMatrix - sweetly complex
  • KillerMatrix - to die for
  • MatrixBreeze - digital winds of change
  • Matrixcellent - beyond great
  • MatrixDrift - come what may
  • Matrixide - cyber-addictive
  • Matrixify - the processing of us
  • MatrixNuts - crazy times with friends
  • MatrixPile - aggressive aggregation
  • OceanMatrix - make surfing cool again
  • SharkMatrix - dredging up muck
  • Somnamatrix - stop sleepwalking through life
  • ThriveMatrix - not for the weak hearted
  • WistMatrix - emo electrons from your keyboard

Food for thought. You get the idea. I like the idea of portmanteaus and real-world unrelated things abstractly mashed up with the very vague techy "matrix" concept. For example, "Beach" had lots of potential beachy objects, wild critters, and sex appeal that could be utilized with characters, mascots (Beatrix), people, settings, themes, etc.

Importantly, the more unique yet understood (can they get it? on different levels?), the more folks will be able to recall the name.

This could be the start of further conversation. Maybe you'd like more examples thrown at the wall to see what sticks. Or maybe this is not the direction. Or we could develop other directions to consider.


I can't believe I lost my own larger list. I was going to have you guys vote on the next domain (assuming no one snipes it).


Lost deleted or lost misplaced?

There's no hurry if the latter.


Hey, what were the names of the movies you wanted to do a double feature of again?

  • The Night Porter
  • Salon Kitty

I bet there are plenty of other sexy Nazi movies out there too.


Cabaret, The Damned, Europa Europa.


Sounds like more than a double feature!!!

Maybe for Hitler's Birthday (April 20)? Not Earth Day (April 22) as I'd heard. Or 88, August 8th. October 7th? November 22 (JFK)?


Actually I really like GoatMatrix.


We'll I'm not particularly trying to have anything to do with baphomet. Though the voat/goat theme of the voat diaspora will always have as its etymology some connection to baphomet because Atko and his friends that helped him start it started on /baph/ on 4chan. But an etymological connection does not equate to meaning.


Ya. I don't even know if Baphomet and Pan and Satanic Goat heads are related in anyway. You could obsess over esoteric misinterpretations until the cows or goats come home, but it's just senseless paralysis. They never end. Sure be aware, but don't let the fear or obstacles slow your momentum.

Always all caps: GOAT = Greatest Of All Time. Don't ever use lowercase.

Similarly, we're rebranding our freedom group, now Windsor ACTION Group, to focus not on socializing or lockdown war stories or political opinions (everyone has them) but on ACTION!

Also, focus on the goodness of GOATS, like cheese, farming, wholesome balanced lives, etc. My grandparents had many goats. They do NOT eat anything as in cartoons. They're very picky. Also, mountain goats are badass.