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Do chemtrails manipulate the weather?

It seems most aware folks complain and speculate about the weaponized health ramifications of what the corporatocracy is spraying - yet few are looking at resultant weather patterns.

I've heard several times that the crisscrossing chemtrails are only sprayed over heavily populated regions. I cannot confirm or deny this.

I know for a fact, regardless of the season, that cloudy days retain heat, and clear skies are cooler, allowing heat to radiate out of the atmosphere.

Especially recently as a roofer, I've seen the intense-spray days dramatically contrast with non-spray days (still with a not-as-blue sky as it should be). It's impossible to deny.

It must cost billions. It must be worth it for a multiplicity of reasons including theories about fueling the corrupt sick-care system, infecting all living beings with self assembling nanites allegedly for zombification and control, to destroy and steal property with droughts and floods, to aid in unjustifiable warfare, etc.

(If Napoleon could have stopped the mud he might have won at Waterloo. Before and since, the military has been keen to manipulate the weather.)

I didn't vote to be involuntarily "medicated" with whatever poisons they are raining down upon us.

I've started a new playlist: ☁️ WEATHER MANIPULATION ☁️.

Feel free to recommend YouTube videos and/or if you want to co-create the list.

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If they wanted to medicate you they would use your water.


Yes, and food.

People sure do go on about it though.

I figure it's like all the other toxins in our environments - an externalized expense and side effect of other goals, ends, and purposes, and the sick-care system will exploit and capitalize on that fallout.