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When I first opened my genuine X0 hoodie and tie combo size 18XLT (i get the T to cover my gut butt), quality was the only word that came to mind. The crate that it was shipped in was, and this is my only complaint, difficult to open without the assistance of 3 Mexican workers i had hired the day prior at a taco bell. It took them 20 minutes of prying to open the thing, and that was mainly my fault due to the fact that the only tools i have around the house are butter knifes - and butter sculptures shaped into various tool like effigies. With a yawning crack, the crate finally split, and out tumbled an avalanche of avocado colored packing peanuts.
I shrieked at the hired help to back off, it was all going to be mine - peanuts and all. I keep a handy bullwhip near me at all time in case of such emergencies (or just to pick things up off the floor). I cracked it no less then 3 times, ordering them to return to the kitchen mines and continue making me fist full chunks of Mexican Chorizo Meat.
I had ordered the peach colored hoodie with a baby blue ornimental tie, accented with anime waifu's. The huddled mass looked as if it were a homeless man backed into a corner. A sight i know all to well. After my nerves calmed, and i called my emotional support therapist, i was able to approach the volume of fabric.
I unfurled it like my ex wifes boyfriend would unfurl me after i had my nightly long sob. I placed it on the couch. One of the workers whistled loudly and spoke something in his mexi-murmur. I knew it was a complement, and i thanked him while cracking my whip once again. It covered the couch, as most of my tight clothes do (the things i wear on my skinny days).
The peach color was perfect, blending my skin and the fabric, making my form an indescribable heft that would strike fear into my enemies and moisten the panties of my discord members. I type this while wearing it, surrounded by avocado colored packing peanuts. The waifu was of Megumin, and is delicate and supple, dangling down in between my large mannish breasts. Chorizo seems to slip off the tie as if it was hydrophobic or made of some magical material. Nylon perhaps? Maybe a polymer blend? I will most certainly not be washing this for a few months, trust me on that!
A+++, i will be recommending this to my co-moderators on discord. Thank you so much X0X7, and the X0 brand! I finally feel ready for my day in court following the misunderstanding about the wardrobe malfunction on the buss. I think the judge, upon seeing this, will offer me a high five, or, at the very least, a not guilty verdict. once gain, thank you X0 brand for changing my life!
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It's going into the merch store with the 3d glasses that cure cancer, and the other ones that are a male enhancer (as long as she wears them and you apply some blue and red film to the areas you want to appear bigger).