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It all stems from the fact that they are finally willing to see the world through a lens of biology.
I was in a public library the other days and visited the restroom. It was absolute trash, and they had signs that they put up asking people to not trash the bathroom. But that didn't change anything. And it made me wonder if they had to put up these signs in the women's restroom. Having accidentally walked into a few in my life and having had to clean one or two before I am assuming not. And it got me thinking, what were these likely feminist librarians thinking when they put up these signs. Whether or not they think about behavior differences between men and women when considering large groups.
Of course this isn't to say that women are angles and men are horrible. We are far less likely to commit elder abuse, or even be the initiators of domestic violence. But this isn't important because I'm trying to think from the position of a feminist and they aren't going to know that.
But they are starting to come around to the idea that biological males are different to them, with a focus on biology rather than this idea of critical theory where differences in people are a product of the different narratives they have been exposed to exclusively.
Of course there are plenty of men who can manage to keep a bathroom clean. The majority I hope. And if you are a good person you do. And there are relatively fewer women who can't, and they are bad people for it. And similarly there are women who can abstain from committing elder abuse, and the one's who don't are bad people. And there are men who fail to, and they are bad people for it. So different biology gives different groups advantages or disadvantages in how likely a virtue exists in each of its members.
I think this is all something you can sell a feminist. So then why not race?
Of course many will just shout out the talking point, even if they don't understand it as they are want to do, that racism is scientifically disproven. That humans have 99.whatever% similar genetics. Of course so do men and women. All the other chromosomes are the same within an ethnic group. And men still do have an X chromosome which tends to have more dominate genes than the Y chromosome, and a lot of the Y chromosome has pretty similar content as the X chromosome except for a piece missing thanks to recombination. Dog breeds also have profoundly similar genetics to one another yet we see behavioral differences. Humans and Chimpanzees share 98.5% similar genetics yet we have differences in abilities.
IDK, I think we can get women to accept this and finally recognize that within the ideology they formed around avoiding rape, race has relevance.
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