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I would rather live under direct democracy than representative democracy.
I would rather live with mob rule than the rule of tyrants.
I agree. Plus republicanism just gives you corruption. Once someone corners off some power for themselves they will use it to benefit from themselves. And the most motivated and competitive in the contest for being a representative will be someone who is willing to engage in corruption and thus has something to gain.
Not only that but because power has to fought for to retain it they will use all the resources they now have partial command over to favor those who have the most impact on their elect-ability. And if you learn about the concept of concentrated interests you will learn that that is almost never the majority with the most power in a republic.
It's Machiavelli's greener grass problem. When you live under a partial monarchy, but because you live in it you are more aware of the specific political machinery used to keep it going and can see how those in power are ultimately slaves to that machine rather than the people, then you dream of some idealized pure republic. But when you live under a republic, but because you live in it you are more aware of the specific political machinery used to keep it going and can see how those in power are ultimately slaves to the machine rather than the people, then you dream of some idealized pure monarchy.
Insightful, accurate, and concise.
And simply put, violent or not, mobs are rare.
Usually it's simply humans in communities.
Contrastingly, tyrannical systems are all pervasive.
Communism would be a team of men whipping the backs of several slaves and a man on a megaphone shouting, "This is to set you free."
Until the resistance rises up to overthrow the commies.