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They house got gutted today. We were helpful over the years and toward the end and her family recognized that so the family offered us last picking. I also took a small tv and some shovels. A lot of people these days are simultaneously anti-horder and pro-consumer. So they want to take nothing from the prior generation. The new philosophy when someone passes is toss everything. Don't even look at it. I think differently. I think there are at least a handful of virtues in doing the opposite. I think practical goods are practical goods and shouldn't be thrown out. Some of you may also know that I am a work and spend minimalist due to my objections to our monetary system. If it means I can avoid buying something in the future even if I have the money to buy it then that much less spend is to me its own good. Third I think it is good to have items in your practical every day use from which you can remember people.. even beyond just your own family. I even think it is better to be something you use then something thrown in a book somewhere to confuse the next generation when you die and they clean out your stuff. For example that tv that I may turn into my computer monitor, I'll use it every day and can just remember that she existed, that she had a life. I don't have the same memories of her that a family member would have but I think that is at least something.
Throw out useless stuff. Don't throw out useful stuff. Don't we want a world with an non-scarcity of useful things. A lot of these things if built right can last multiple lifetimes. Then these items have stories too.
I just set up the TV as a monitor. 720p. Fuck old people's shit. Throw it in the trash.
[-]Winston Smith
Perfect for Windows 95 or Temple OS...
Not too much has to be thrown away. There are groups where people can advertise free stuff, people will come and pick it up. I did this after a recent death in my family with the stuff nobody wanted. It would've felt bad throwing away such perfectly good stuff so I'm glad they picked it up, and it made them happy too. Win-win.
Pretty cool although it looks a bit like a pan.
Yep. It's made from a very small cast iron pan. It's smaller in real life than in looks in the picture. Then it hangs from the handle.
It actually looks small in the picture. I think I have an estimate of its size.
Neat clock, especially if it's right more than twice a day.
If it's a big 720p TV you can put it in a window facing out to push ideas out to your community.