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The food is white, the dress code is white, the tables are white, its all white - except the back area where the help comes from, that we call the colored only area. You can eat there if your black, asian, whatever, no worries. But everything is eyeball exploding white. "Whites only Bar and Grill: Fuck yo Retinas!"

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Having white parties is a thing. I've been to some - but it's not about race, it's about the clothes and accessories you wear. Add blacklights to that and it gets good.


And white marble flooring for that slippage factor.

We should test how many foods can be bleached. I know flour isn't naturally that white. What else can we turn white.

Eggs can only be egg whites. For spices we'll use the liquid extract form and spritz it on so there are no specs on non-white. Chicken might be the only land based meat. We should be able to do flounder and cod.


IIRC, Aaron Schwartz only ate white foods.


That's some extreme autism.
