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A community is partly shaped by its culture, and I would like to steer that a bit over here. This community is small, so we can go our own way. A link aggregator is nice, but it lacks the element of things being shared with you personally like how it works on fecesbook. I have a way to implement that here. I call it:


When posting something, let's just @tag whichever users we think will be even slightly interested in that. It feels kind of nice to receive personal attention in the form of a red notification indicator, right? It also counteracts the fact that you hope someone sees a post but it might fly over their heads. It feels slightly weird to keep pinging people who didn't sign up for that, but that's why I'm asking if we can agree that it becomes part of the culture here so that people implicitly agree by partaking. If they don't want it they can just say so and we should respect it. What do you think?

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@LarrySwinger @JasonCarswell @x0x7 @DotCom @Musky @HitlersAssHole I think this is a fun idea but we need drop downs. If i type @, i should have a drop to select, no filters, nothing like that. just a drop down filled with 10's of thousands of name, hell, most of the names aren't even on this platform. Like, if I @ larry, he should get an email.


I like your drop down list idea with the last listed: "edit list" wherein you can custom modify your list with access to a bigger list or maybe you hand-enter the name(s) to add or remove.


It would be interesting to use AI and embeddings to ping the user even if you misspell it. But I doubt it would ever associate hqdp with High_Quality_Dick_Pics on its own.


Maybe I missed it, but I don't see a Comments feed on Matrix.Gvid.TV, as there is on SaidIt. That might help folks catch all the discussions they may want to participate in.

Does Matrix.Gvid.TV have RSS/Atom abilities too?


But this is actually separate from a comments feed. Sometimes I post a link and I want to notify specific people of it, like how I @'d you in my past few posts.


I got excited and I was hoping EXCESSIVE TAGGING was about METATAGS.

I would love to have the ability for the poster to have multiple metatags, as well as metatags added from the users - whether they use them or not.

As far as Excessive User Tagging Culture - I'm certainly not against it, but time will tell if it's worthwhile or not. It could get annoying or it could be of great benefit. Even if we don't employ it now, it's most certainly worth revisiting. Why not now? Because there's simply not that much traffic. I'm hoping that changes.

As far as both the Meta and User Tagging, on HumHub unfortunately I haven't had a second to study what the defaults are much less what is possible. I know it's designed for business and communities - and that would imply robust communications and categorization features.

I'm working on another freedom picnic this weekend, then a murder mystery at the Essex Heritage museum for Halloween - than after that I'll continue roofing until about December 1st while perpetually renovating a house, and in spare time shifting my attentions to editing long overdue video footage into various shorts and other projects in anticipation for the Ontario and Canada elections.


I want to do this. I think I've settled on how I want to do it internally. There are all kind of complicated ways you can represent that in a database, but I think the simple version of doing that is the best. Basically what it would do is just make many separate posts, which will obviously link to the same url. Then to make it so the front page doesn't have six posts to the same url posted at the same time I'd add a filter to make it so only one post of the same url can be visible.

This would be needed because they should be voted on separately. If something gets tagged to an irrelevant topic (we can assume there will be spam-ish people at one point that will just shot gun every topic they can think of), then we can't have something performing well in one group forcing it to have high visibility in an irrelevant group.

The debate is whether or not to add some offset time (in db) to each of the "sub posts". That would give your first tag an advantage being the main thing seen on the front page. That or set them equal and they can "z-fight" until one of them gets voted on.

This does mean that all but one of your sub-posts would be at a disadvantage for getting upvotes but that should be fine. It will help fill out the subs a little.

The only other reason to do it a more complicated way where they are one post is because of comments. If we wanted them to share comments. But I don't think we do. Each community should be able to have its own discussion about it. The downside to not sharing comments between them is having more posts with zero comments on the site (which looks more dead). But I like the current path I described because I could optionally set up temporary comment adoption between similar posts if a comment section needs to be filled out more. That could be a later development if we decide we want it.

So basically the system would just help you spam a link to multiple subs and then make the outcome of that not look spammy.

I could just implement that filter first and people can go to town. Once that filter is in it will also mean you can repost other people's links without too much negative consequence. The only problem is that could slide their post when your new repost temporally outperforms theirs. I might need to make it so if there is a repost of a link within n-time that the new post is re-dated close to the same time as the original to avoid that. Or just enough to make it scored slightly less. So if it has a score of 5 and is 1 day old the repost would start life 9.6 hours old. (enough that someone can't slide with only one post and one vote from an sock account).


That sounds great. It sounds like it also could address duplicate postings too. If posted again it could trigger a re-inject into the cue with a new repost date. Also, it might be worth checking various videos against each other for repeats. YouTube has a shorter URL, the regular, and with lots of meta stuff and playlists after them - and often IIRC, the same YouTube video ID is often used in BitChute and maybe Rumble or Odysee. Would be nice to have an auto-mirror for video alts and Invideous - and articles like links to archives, etc. And maybe for copypasta cross-posts of original content on other forums. In short these are all duplicate-content makers and detectors.

Insightful about the irrelevant votes, but that sounds like a complicated paradox to solve.

With limited awareness it seems to me, that the database structure might be better if you just had all of the posts in one group, at the basest level just a chronological input. That group could be subdivided by dates or alphabetically for archival, backup, or decentralization purposes. After that base foundation group you then add on all of the classifications, descriptors, and other features: comments, subs/metatags, vote counts, flags, mirrors, searching, sorting, etc. and build filter tools the people can customize as they see fit. I'm not sure any of this solves any of the paradoxes or problems.

IMO, overlapping communities with overlapping comments is a good thing - and is preferable to dead posts. Without overlapping is a detriment to other forums. I don't see how, but maybe it would be worse to overlap, but we'll never know - unless we fuck around and find out, or find no problem at all. Regardless, we don't need more insulation for naturally occurring bubbled communities. We need people to care about the local to the global, and that includes online forums with diverse content. Like it or not, social engineering happens, and these are just my opinions to try to sway the change I wish to see, rather than accept the default someone else decided upon. My ultimate goal: healthier communities.

Whether you had a limit of 12 meta-tags or not, you could default organize the meta-tags -alphabetize and colour-code - and then folks could chose to colour-code their comment. CSS is very underutilized for organizing and communicating in general, not just on this site.

IMO, rather than "repost" I would rather see people "revive" a post for notice, discussion, etc. Perhaps just semantics, but whether you posted the original URL or the Matrix post URL, I'd like to see the original post along with, "on this date(s) this user(s) revived this post for more notice and discourse".

I find your multiple reposts confusing and wonder if it's over-complicated.


An extension of this would be formalized !pinggroups like they have on People can manually sign themselves up for let's say the !music ping group, and each time someone writes !music, it will ping everyone who signed up for that. It works kind of like subscribing to a community, except that it works on the level of notifications. I will bring that up in this month's feedback round.


You would have to make it so only people in the group can do it and you can kick people who spam it with irrelevant pings.


IMO, you might anticipate doing that in the future when the population increases and/or abuses make themselves to abundant to ignore. At present it would be unnecessary extra coding and pre-crime limitations upon folks for no crimes committed.


I'm not sure it's necessary to require participation in a group before pinging is possible. On Reddit it frequently occurs that people refer others to a certain subreddit. Someone looks for a name and the answer is: "try /r/TipOfMyTongue, they're wizards." In such situations you would like to ping that group of people without being interested in the subject yourself.

Also, it would be nice to keep it simple and unify communities and ping groups simply to not overwhelm the user with too many options. So that you can link to /c/music but also ping all the subscribers with !music. I don't know if that's redundant, people already have their frontpage for the things they're subscribed to. Hm. I'm just thinking out loud. This is actually a deeper subject and it's about the 'frontpage' format of link aggregators vs. the stream that fecesbook uses. The former is good for distinguishing signal from noise in big communities, while the latter avoids things falling under the radar.

Another implementation would be a friendship system (which must be mutually accepted, so not the faux following system of le reddit). In any post you can write !friends to notify all your friends, or perhaps all your friends who are subscribed to that community, would that be better?


@JasonCarswell @AmericanMuskrat @x0x7 @High_quality_dick_pics @Winston Smith


Though I would like to be an exception. Not that I dislike the idea but I do use my mail to catch a lot of matrix related messages. I can't really have my mail become a post feed. Though people can ping me on a few things they think I'd take interest in. But I have a reason to want to be outside of "excessive pingging". But for others where their main interaction with matrix is as a content feed it's not a bad idea.