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Meeting here on Saturday:

Downvotes count for double

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I know it's early, but three films (and reviews) for St. Patrick's Day:

  • Black '47 (2018)
  • The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
  • Hidden Agenda (1990)

I did add them all to the larger list. We're up to 473 movies. My system honestly kind of sucks for themeing.

If anyone ever wants to be assertive on a given week and say "um, x0, it's this week and here's the actual selection," I'll be ok with that.

Maybe it would be good to compile a list of days we're trying to pay attention to. Christmas/New Years, Thanksgiving, Patty's, Valborg.


Halloween coming up.


Ya know, I never seen labyrinth, surprisingly. Pans labyrinth, yes