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Applies to more people than just spoiled Zoomers.

I would have liked greater context about what their wider conversation was about, and who they are. Communism is a nice dream in theory, like unfettered capitalism, but the reality is that they both are unfixably corrupted at the extremist and highest levels.

What solutions she wishes for and the problems he overlooks address the same issue - the hegemonic evil ruling class and their corrupt matrix of rigged systems. You're fucked if you do and fucked if you don't, embracing any ideology or not.


This is why micro-secessionism is correct. Let them have their communist world. Let people reap the stupidity of their ideas until they learn better. The best way to learn that an idea is dumb is to live it. But they shouldn't drag the rest of developed society with them.

If a system works it should be able to work with ~1000 people in isolation. Humanity survived with much smaller population groups than that. If that 1000 people sink they sink and it's the end of the project until they can convince another 1000 people to try it. If it swims and works then its borders can expand democratically (by the permission of the closest residents). But that's not what they want because communism is parasitic. They mean it when they say eat the rich. But they don't think long term or consider what will happen when there is no rich to eat. The far future doesn't exist so who cares?