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I plan to buy another domain. It's available but a common word in the dictionary - so they're charging $174.71 for it. I hope that's not annually. Regardless, it seems like a good get for our cause.

When I get Hello.Wiki (not the actual name), I would point it at an introductory page on Projex.Wiki. Easy to spell, easy to remember, self-explanatory, etc. It will be great.

My big questions are about the prefixes. I would imagine they'd be reasonably easy to set up, as I see them often enough. But will it cost any/much more? It seems that if you can have anything after the domain without extra charge, you should be able to have it before it too.


  • Action.Hello.Wiki
  • Children.Hello.Wiki
  • CommonLaw.Hello.Wiki
  • Communications.Hello.Wiki
  • Economics.Hello.Wiki
  • Freedom.Hello.Wiki
  • Health.Hello.Wiki
  • Humanity.Hello.Wiki
  • Nutrition.Hello.Wiki
  • Prepare.Hello.Wiki
  • Vaxxed-Health.Hello.Wiki
  • Windsor.Hello.Wiki

I'd love to have so many more too - all redirecting to Projex pages. Unless it's expensive.

I could/should have researched this myself, but I figured I'd find clear faster answers here. And I'm tired with more roofing before daybreak tomorrow too. But this and other ideas have been collectively building towards something, and this idea could be a key part if viable.

Critical feedback welcomed, good, bad, or ugly - to help keep me on target.

Today I got my Brother colour laser printer. Haven't opened the box yet but am looking forward to printing pamphlets (ie. the series of 12 topics above) as well as finally printing for my new button-pin maker. And importantly, I should be able to finally get our weekly meetings back up and running with this and so much more now possible.

We had another even better potluck picnic on Sunday, despite the drizzle. I just got my 5 Guy Fawkes masks to decorate with and more, but ended up giving them all away - so I'll order more soon, and Santa hats for sharing, wearing, and working on roofs in. I got the last Question Everything stickers from TLAV and may finish their shirts too. Fuck consumer culture, but sometimes it's fun. Everything in moderation, including moderation.

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Setting up a subdomain is free. The .com / .net / .wiki is what's called a Top Level Domain (TLD). Whoever owns a domain of any kind can set up a sub-domain for free. You are basically renting a sub-domain from the people who control the wiki domain. But once you have that domain you in theory could rent sub-domains on your domain. seems like a pretty cool buy if you can do something useful with it. I say go for it. In terms of how to organize topics in a way that doesn't look too ugly I'd say that using paths instead of sub-domains looks a little better and can functionally do the same thing.

So looks a little better IMO. I say that while we are on when I guess I could have set up Subdomains are a little better if you are running completely different software for the server or running the software at different IP addresses. I do know that there is {topic} though so I guess it isn't unheard of.

I guess that's helpful in the fandom case because each of those are run by different people and by putting them on different subdomains people don't have to argue for control of specific wiki pages.

So you are saying that you are not actually getting Considering you already have I would only buy another wiki domain if you did get something really good like For it to be worth it to own two wiki domains it needs to do something really well that can't do (or be really cheap to get).

Nice job on buying the brother. I used to re-manufacture the cartridges. Brother was always the easiest to do compared to HP. Easiest to not fuck up the drum on. So you can refill those on the cheap. If you are looking to use it for some large scale printing its worth looking into.


This is an awkward URL for most folks, aware or not: https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome

d3rr and I had a lengthy discussion about the extra /wiki/ in the middle. Yes, it's possible to configure it to be different (ie. /info/ on InfoGalactic) or be absent, but this may lead to problems down the road - so we went with the default.

The first half of the Welcome wiki-page is content directly from the new pamphlet, the second half is an older work-in-progress, repetitive, and I have to go through it to see if anything is worth saving and adding to the first half and pamphlet.

All of this is the "Protect Freedom!" content (that will also be repeated on the forthcoming banners for rallies, marches, and other events). "Freedom" is just one of 12 in the series, and it's also the over-arching general introduction, thus it's the default Welcome. Each other sub-topic will have its own slightly deeper dive and introduction with resources - all content mirrored on the wiki, with links, and more. ie. https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome/Communications (coming soon) - this is also not an easy URL to share. ("Communications" is a long awkward word in need an elusive better replacement, with many critical sub-topics and related issues demanding an entire pamphlet of its own.)

Until "Projex" becomes a household name, it will be forever confusing and forgettable - the opposite of what it was meant to be.

The content may evolve, but https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome won't change. It already has the shorter Proj.Wiki redirected to it (for now, and still confusing) - and all the new addresses will redirect and point to Welcome or its sub-pages. They'll simply be easier addresses to remember and to share - thus the whole point of this endeavor.

Whoever owns a domain of any kind can set up a sub-domain for free.

Thanks for all the feedback! I guess this is my biggest question answered.

If these 12 pages and pamphlets work out well we may branch into doing introductory content for other ideas, topics, or specifics - like Decentralization.Welcome.Wiki and Voluntaryism.Welcome.Wiki - all quite easy enough to share.

Obviously it's clear but I've avoided explicitly saying the name in case someone jumps the gun on me. We lost TruthSeeker.Party because Optimus got too excited in the moment, then years later justifiably got bored and dropped it - but now regrets it.


I don't think is that difficult a URL. But you can always map /welcome to the same content which is what a lot of sites do.

Just so you know capitalization is considered bad in URLs because it increases the amount of arbitrary things people have to memorize. /Wiki/Welcome /wiki/Welcome /Wiki/welcome /wiki/welcome.

People are also not very exposed to subdomains. It almost never hurts to have more than one way to navigate to the same content, so in theory you could have and and And then you can play around with which one is most marketable.

QR codes can also sometimes help.

It looks like someone did buy the domain I want for this site in 2023 (so while this has been operational).

We need a bro-rule for our larger community that no one ever buys a domain someone else is likely interested in.


I know the capitalization issues. I also know that it doesn't matter for emails and domain up to the first slash - and as is [email protected]. As far as capitals on Projex.Wiki, all wiki pages auto-default with the first letter capitalized - like "Voluntaryism" on Wikipedia, not "voluntaryism" on Wiktionary. Unless a name, proper title, some image files, or other extenuating circumstance, the next word will be lowercase - as is done by default on Wikipedia, our template. "Cassandra Team" is a name. "Decentralized alternatives" is not a name.

As far as the shorter Freedom.Welcome.Wiki goes, it's not the geeks I'm trying to appeal to. The capitals don't matter but make it easier to read. This is purely for the common and stupid folks - and they will most likely not be memorizing anything so much as typing it in from our business cards, pamphlets, or photos of our banners.

Great triple idea with the Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome; Projex.Wiki/Welcome; and Welcome.Projex.Wiki !!! Not sure how to do the second and third but am keen to while adding the other too.

I did some QR research, got an open source generator, made codes, but before we printed the first business cards we all decided against them for many reasons. For now. https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Security_alternatives

Bummer to lose your preferred domain. What was it? I've been squatting on a few with hopes and want a few more for a few more hopes. For example, I have Volun.Tube for a PeerTube instance, and another clever name .Tube for an Invidious instance that I'll soon get with Welcome - unless they get scooped.

Yes, you'd think the bro-rule should be understood, and at the very least discussed and approved before spearfished away from the originator.

From a copy of my old gallery I designed this goat head in a series of images relevant to our email group chats in 2000 or 2001 for Burning Flipside, a regional Burning Man event in Austin, Texas.

Today during lunch I was talking to my boss, Elmer, about my new printer, the button-pin maker, and making Freedom counter-propaganda. He suggested doing some for his Alpine Roofing. I said I'd be happy to - and that I could improve his logo, add a mountain goat character, and he loved that GOAT = greatest of all time. There's no reason why there can't be some goat design crossovers and/or similarities, or completely different aesthetics. As you can see in my old gallery I have endless styles, and 2001 I did 6 different styled sketches of pandas for a girl I was sweet on who liked pandas.