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I'm starting a dozen tri-fold pamphlets (so far) on Projex.Wiki:

  1. Protect Freedom! - general intro cover-all
  2. Protect Action! - what protesting works, what doesn't, cautions, etc.
  3. Protect Children! - families, education, alternatives, resources
  4. Protect Common Law! - a general intro to common law
  5. Protect Communications! - general cautions, recommendations, alternatives, resources
  6. Protect Economics! - general cautions, recommendations, alternatives, resources
  7. Protect Health! - medical cautions, recommendations, alternatives, resources
  8. Protect Humanity! - global agendas and global politics
  9. Protect Nutrition! - farming, food, poisons, toxins, etc.
  10. Protect & Prepare! - prepping
  11. Protect Vaxxed-Health! - vax injury mitigation
  12. Protect Windsor! - local to national, politics we can affect

Within the pamphlets useful information can be collected and presented clearly to help anyone who wants them.

Much info will be universal, but some may be specific to Windsor and Essex County - and that may be custom-edited by folks from other regions.

They'll be free to download, edit, print, and distribute as much or little as folks like.

The first step is aggregating together the most critical information that folks need to understand to protect themselves.

Maybe you'd like to contribute some ideas or info into the project that will over time develop drafts, revisions, and evolve into some ready-to-print versions.

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