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Hopefully you all know what Au Jus is. If you don't I'll tell you. It's French. It's a thin gravy you can dip almost any beef based sandwich into and it's really good if done right. It's not hard to do right either.

But as awesome as au jus is, there is a sad side to its story. And that is that most au jus you can find at any commercial conveyor of meated food goods chooses to suck. It has no business sucking, but somehow these companies make it happen.

The most simple sauce you ever made is also the best sauce you've ever made (with the exception of people who have made more sauce than the average person). But it will be in the top 5% of sauces you've ever made no matter who you are.


Grab one small bowl for dipping.
Add one packet of concentrated beef broth as you would buy from the store.
Add about a half teaspoon of vinegar
Fill bowl most of the way with water
Add many shakes of pepper
Add about half as many shakes as could be considered many shakes of salt. (Moderately many shakes of salt).
Heat this mixture in a microwave till its got a bit of steam
Add atop this fluid a small amount of butter which will melt

Recap: Broth concentrate (beef), vinegar, pepper, salt, butter, heat, all to reasonable and sensible proportions, will result in a sauce that is simultaneously approximately and exactly 1000x better than any inferior liquid you could get at a shop.

What I shared with you is not rocket surgery. Anyone responsible for developing recipes or food research should know how to do that pretty much in year one. They are choosing to sell you the worst thing that could be called Aus Ju.

They are selling you 5 cent sauce when they should be selling you 80 cent sauce. But the value add to a sandwich is it makes it 10x better. It goes from "this is a sandwich" and "I guess I don't mind it being soggy with no real benefit" to "Wow, this is fucking phenomenal." Now do you want to eat a sandwich that is 10x better? Do you want to spend 80 cents to do it? Do you want to spend 80 cents to sell a sandwich that is 10x better? I hope so. If you don't have shit for brains.

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