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I'm confused. Did the other person complain were the minders just upset that they weren't involved in two people coming to terms with each other.


If I'm picking up what Lunduke is putting down, many folks are getting banned for capricious trivial hypocritical "reasons" and is forcing several FLOSS communities to hard fork from the West/Woke with financial support to the rest of the rational free/libré world without corporatocracy funding.

These drastic draconian measures seem destined to fuck up FLOSS and humanity. They got what they wanted from us and will now dispose of humans (ie. Google Android was FLOSS until they proprietaryized it) now that they have A.I. Absolutely no one is pushing for minimizing or reducing tech bloat, corporate power, governments, or the technocracy. If not for the climate, at least for efficiency and security - but ZZZtheyZZZ thrive off chaos.


Isn't it FOSS? There is a reason why I don't contribute to FOSS. It all gets used by companies and now you are just working for some corporation that's going to be able to leverage your code better than you can, for free. And now not only do you end up coding for them for free, you get bossed around by HR as they try to manage you and your contribution.

This is why every project that starts a "foundation" is making a mistake. I know it can feel like an organization or a team taking a next step and getting organized. The problem is it's a step in the wrong direction. Not all organization is positive organization. If it turns your non-paying job into a job (but still not paying) and hands you a bunch of rules to follow it's not a win.