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Marketing budgets. It depends on how you measure won.
Most influential? Free software won because it is used by every major company and knowing how to use it is mandatory to get a job.
Used by the average consumer? Marketing budgets. Windows is genuinely trash. The only way people are using it is because it was what was sold to people. Free software has every capacity to be polished for the average user. It's just free software tends to cater its development for its current users who tend to be people who chose software based on more than what was marketed to them, so nerds.
In fact actually browsers are free software and are pretty much the most polished technology anyone touches. So yeah. Free software won. It just didn't win universally and the question remains why is anyone using paid software in cases where it is actually bad? Marketing budgets.
Free software won because it is used by every major company and knowing how to use it is mandatory to get a job.

I would counter that the battle still rages on. Big business will move on free software and close the tap on it when it suits their need. I think AI will dramatically change where corporations will have 100% usage if its functionality, for example, writing complex programs, where, the public will only have rights to produce screensavers and meaningless minor apps.
>In fact actually browsers are free software and are pretty much the most polished technology anyone touches. So yeah.
I agree, browsers have been a bright spot in the free software arena, but let's not kid ourselves, it's only so because big brother has other ways of monitoring our every keystroke! This message will be received, assessed, and catalogued by big brother, before you even open it...