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Did I just watch a robot take a dump? I assume those were the parts that were being culled. --- It looked a lot worse when they were spawning in at the 0,0,0 of the guy. Just plopping there on the floor. Its a mesh of 217 parts that get combined at runtime into a single mesh and keeps references to all the objects, this lives on the GPU level. This lets the 217 part character, where each part would be 1 draw call + 1 for material, so 218 draw calls, to be 2. Un combines and recombines over N frames to spawn in parts where the destroyed part would be. This would let me put in a system where if you strafe the model with machine gun fire, and knock out its shoulder joint, then the rest of the arm falls apart as well in a shower of parts and oily blood. ORRRRR.... i can have it take mad robot shits all over the floor. REEEEE! :) The un combine and recombine no pants dance is expensive, so i have to find a way to optimize if i want 100 of these all exploding and shit.