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Long story short, i went from using a rigid body for my character controller to direct translation of the xyz pos to remember, "HEY! Unity has a character controller component! That takes care of a lot of stuff for me!" Well, a big issue was using physics based calculation on update vs fixed update, and this only got compounded by using a character controller. So i had to tackle that issue. Those not in the know, fixed update happens at determined intervals vs normal update which happens based on your frame rate. 60 FPS means that function gets executed 60 times per sec, drops to 30... well... You see how that could cause issues with physics.
Well, goals manage a series of executables, and goals are an executable. So my upgraded approach allows designers to have physics based logic ride alongside ye old normal logics in a managed sequence. For example, my keyboard sensor takes in user input and my input manager decides what that input does, both of these are on update. My floating collider script, which also applies gravity, my parkour script and my movement script are on layers above that and operate on fixed update. My animation script rides somewhere in there, and its also on update. So, now when designing behaviors for you AI agent, you can use both frame depended logic as well as physics dependent logic in the same series, in the same goal, all of which is drag and droppable onto any KLEP agent.
-Thangs it do did: ->
-Enhanced AI Realism: By structuring AI behavior through goals and layers, the KLEP system enables more realistic and sophisticated AI responses, crucial for immersive gameplay experiences.
-Improved Performance: Efficient key management and execution control ensure that AI behaviors do not negatively impact game performance, maintaining smooth gameplay even with complex AI logic.
-Scalability: The system's modular design allows for easy expansion and adaptation, making it suitable for a wide range of game genres and AI requirements.
-Developer Flexibility: Developers can easily configure and extend the system to meet specific game needs, enhancing development productivity and reducing time-to-market.