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  • Other things also:

  • Over world progress is now saved out after every new tile is generated, it is saved out to either XML or Binary.
  • Entering cities saves out your "Wagon" data, so the position of your little token - this will be expanded for inventory stuff
  • When zooming into a cell in a city, all other buildings are turned off (they were getting in the way)
  • mouse over of a building highlights that building
  • Icons show if a building holds a shop or a quest giver npc
  • Q/E rotates around a cell in case a building is hidden from view

Maybe im forgetting something, but i dunno, thats what i got done today anyways - lol -
  • Whats next:

  • Organization pass/beauty pass
  • convert dungeons to 3d scenes and fully abandon the 2d approach (booo!)
  • enemy AI
  • Narrator AI
  • modifying overworld hexes to put down roads and power lines (make your troops faster, make it harder for kaiju to cross power lines)